However, as I contemplated my first step, removing all the current wall decorations from their walls, I had a moment of utter sadness at a time gone by. When we bought and began remodeling this house I was pregnant with Asher and Cainan was not even two. When we decided we would keep this house for ourselves (instead of flipping it), my mother-in-law and I came together to create the bedroom for the boys.
I had a very distinct idea of what I wanted: primary colored
stick figure characters and simply drawn backgrounds. I wanted to use them as accents, either in a wallpaper border or prints, here and there. For some reason, I couldn't find anything that fit the bill. We found an artist, Todd Parr, who drew exactly the kind of characters I was looking for but not in any home decor lines. We did find a whole bolt of fabric on clearance at Wal-mart that happened to have his characters on it. Crazy!

As I walked into their room two days ago with the excitement of starting anew, I realized how sad I was at the prospect of seeing those silly characters gone. They've been here nearly eight years now. They are part of the only bedroom Asher has ever known and the only one Cainan can remember.

I'm going to miss those silly characters. I'm going to miss the reminder, each time I walk in the room of being pregnant with my precious Asher, painting walls and going over decoration ideas with my mother-in-law; holding little Cainan in my arms and showing him all the silly faces, the
airport where Daddy worked and the police station where Mommy worked (that's why my MIL included those buildings in the Silly City!!). I'm thinking I might even shed a tear as I finally do take a sponge to those walls and wipe it all away.
In a few days they will be all gone and I'll be painting the walls with a fresh coat of bright yellow paint (the boys chose yellow again). Their new bunk beds that we're building are going to be spectacular! The new design of their room (including a new vinyl window to replace the old metal single pane) will improve their comfort, create so much space and efficiency. I'm excited to see it come together and once I get going I know the moment of hesitation and grief will pass. I'm glad I took these last few pictures and took the time to reflect.
I'll be sharing pictures of the new room as soon as it's done.
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