I am feeling organized today. That doesn't always happen...okay, it happens a lot less than it should...
I have a son who thrives on organization, routine, and structure. I try to accommodate both of our needs: his for schedule, mine for freedom and spontaneity. Neither of us can function without some element of those complete opposites in our daily lives.
Some time back I used some of the leftover paint we used to paint just about every surface in the house and made my own matching "chalkboard paint". I painted two of our cabinets with it, thinking it would be a great place to leave notes, put up verses, write a menu, etc...

Today, I decided it was time to try and put some order into our extremely busy fall schedule and help Cainan have a visual that will give him some peace.

If you want to make your own colored chalkboard paint, it's easy. I used the recipe from this site:
http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/my_weblog/2012/02/how-to-mix-chalkboard-paint-in-any-color.html She says to use acrylic paint but I just used our semi-gloss enamel and it worked just fine!
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