I’m just sitting down after a tremendously long day and realizing I haven’t posted an entry in just over two weeks. That’s probably because these last few weeks have been insanely busy for us! Shall I backtrack through some of the highlights (and lowlights) of the last few weeks and catch you up on our lives?
After church and a quick trip to Urgent Care (I’ll explain why a little later), I made lunch for the guys, went through my Sunday paper and various other coupon sources and went on an epic shopping trip this afternoon. I spent $132.00 at five stores but saved $53.56 in coupons and managed to finish Christmas shopping for Asher, get the supplies to make Cainan’s Halloween costume, stock up on several months worth of beverages for the boys, Joe and I, as well as, score some cheap make-up and hair products for myself and a blue-ray edition of Alien (ok, that’s all the bragging I’m going to do about my couponing)!

After unloading my stockpile at home, I made a super yummy Italian dinner and we set about carving pumpkins. Asher carved his own pumpkin this year and decided on a pirate. He did great! Cainan chose a ghost design. He helped pull all the pulp out, then I had him dig seeds out of the pulp while I carved the pumpkin for him. We both LOVE roasted pumpkin seeds and this time I’m trying an amazing sounding recipe for caramelized spiced pumpkin seeds (I’ll let you know how it comes out, but I’m really excited).
Yesterday we went to Pheasant Farms pumpkin patch for a birthday party of one of

Asher’s friends. Baily Jean turned five and before we set out I had both the boys make cards for their friends who were celebrating birthdays

while I packed our lunches.

You see, after the party at the pumpkin patch that started at 11:00, we headed to a party for Cainan’s friend, Gavin, at 1:00 on the other side of town.
We stayed there a short time so we could make it to Asher’s soccer game at 2:00. I got the boys home in time to take a short nap before they headed over to my mom’s house to spend the night. That meant Joe and I got to have a date night! We had a wonderful time at Porter’s and met up with our good friend Dan and his mom. It was a nice surprise for Joe who didn’t know I had a Porter’s gift card—which was a surprise thank you gift from my dentist, whom I did a commercial for (did I mention I was in a commercial a few weeks ago?).
Friday was mostly a wasted day for me. I woke up at three in the morning with excruciating ear pain and realized I had developed an ear infection. After making an appointment to see my doctor, first thing, I locked myself out of my house and missed that appointment. Thankfully, I was still able to get in and get started on antibiotics and ear drops. My in-laws had the boys for the day since there was no school and I pretty much just sat and felt sorry for myself all day because the entire left side of my head hurt sooooo badly. Today, when I still wasn’t sleeping well and still had excruciating pain, I decided to go to Urgent Care to see what was going on. I got a different kind of ear drop and some pain meds, which helped take the edge off and hopefully I can get this infection whipped! I'm bummed I lost the whole day of Friday but it was probably something I needed to do for myself. I still got the opportunity to make dinner for the guys and the in-laws when they brought the boys home. I made those scrumptious Thai lettuce cups.
Speaking of dinner…we had our second dinner before Awanas on Wednesday night. Things went really well but we had fewer people this time around. I think, mostly, because it wasn’t announced on the Sunday prior and people tend to forget stuff like that. But overall, we got really good feedback and I made sure it made it into the announcements today.
Speaking of the previous Sunday…my whole side of the family got together from Friday through Sunday at a friend’s cabin up in the mountains near
our home. We had a spectacular time together
celebrating my grandpa’s 80th birthday. I made 80 cupcakes
and a small cake for the occasion. It was so fulfilling to see my boys get to have such a

great time with their three cousins. The boys were fantastically cute together and had an incredible time playing their little hearts out. One of the greatest outcomes from that weekend is that we are now taking our cousin, Dakota, with us to Awana’s on Wednesday nights. He’s in Asher’s class and the two are so excited about spending time together in Sparks.
Well, this brings me to the first week of October. We had our first Wednesday night dinner before Awanas. We served 52 people and had exactly the right amount of food to do so. God is so good! I can’t tell you how excited I am to be a part of this ministry and I look forward to preparing dinner each Wednesday night. This week, I’ll be making scratch chili and cornbread in honor of the Western Night theme. I’m not sure how I’m dressing the boys up, yet.
Let’s see, anything else? My Thursday day morning Community Bible Study started up again this week and I’m glad for the structured time to spend in God’s word. Oh, and Top Soccer started up again Tuesday evenings for Cainan (Asher participates, too). It’s such a great program to let kids of all abilities get to have a time of learning some athletic skills and team work.

AND, I almost forgot--I've decided to start selling Avon, so I got signed up to do that on Thursday. You can check out my website and order directly through there at
www.youravon.com/molzer. Right now, shipping is free for orders over $30.00.
What else can I say? I think that pretty much catches you all up on our last two weeks. We are extremely blessed. I’m not sure I’ve mentioned just how much I am absolutely crazy about being a stay-at-home wife and mother. It’s so amazing to get to spend this time seeing to my home, my husband, our boys, serving in their schools and our church, being able to help out friends and family. My heart is full!
Bless you all and I hope you are having a fulfilling autumn so far!